Crock, W./Dick, W./Scott, L.: Learning Together 2 (+CD) – Kontrabass

Art. Nr.: 971922
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Repertoire-Stücke für Solo-Streicher oder Streichensemble. Einzelstimme Kontrabass.

»Learning Together« besteht aus aufeinander folgenden, unisono spielbaren, Repertoire-Stücken für Streichorchester und ist für den Einsatz in Streicherklassen, Ensembles und Einzelunterricht gedacht. Die Arrangements sind so gestaltet, dass alle Streichinstrumente beliebig miteinander kombiniert werden können. Klavierbegleitungen sind enthalten und können zu jeder Streicher-Kombination hinzugefügt werden.

Aus dem Vorwort:

»Learning Together consists of sequential unison repertoire for string instruments of the orchestra and is intended for use in string classes, group ensembles, and private lesson settings. Harmony parts and bass lines complete the arrangements and are composed so that any mixed string ensemble, as well as ensembles of like instruments, can perform the pieces. Piano accompaniments are included and can be added to any of these combinations. Performance possibilities include individual solo or unison groups, class ensembles, and district or festival-sized orchestras. The Learning Together repertoire can be used to establish solo technique, introduce ensemble skills, develop aural skills, and can serve as a foundation for learning to read music. Each instrument book comes with a CD that includes solo performances, string ensemble performances, and piano accompaniment tracks of the featured repertoire. The authors of Learning Together are award-winning teachers with over 100 years of combined recognized success. They share extensive experience as performers, conductors, clinicians, and studio and classroom teachers. This book demonstrates their commitment to providing rich musical experiences for all students in classroom and studio settings. classic arrangement along with the audio tracks. All parts may be played by acoustic or electric instruments.«

Komponist: Winifried Crock, William Dick und Laurie Scott.
Format: Einzelstimme.
Sprache: englisch.
Verlag: Alfred Music 43867.
Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Lützerathstr. 127
51107 Köln